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Self Appreciation

Many a times in our everyday life, we get stuck with several things. Inspite of having the solution right in front of us, we lack the power to access it through the right way. This leads to the thought that may be, we are not capable enough for that particular job. This is where the concept of self appreciation steps in. Self appreciation involves appreciating parts of our life, personality or ourselves as a whole to acknowledge the good that already exists within us. Practicing self appreciation helps an individual to stay motivated in any field as they practice to acknowledge every small steps and milestones that they achieve towards the main target. Moreover, encouraging the practice of self appreciation also helps to boost self-esteem and self-confidence.

Why is it important to appreciate yourself ?

Self appreciation enables us to avoid relying on others to appreciate our efforts. Rather, it is aimed at being completely focused of oneself and relying on one’s own appreciation to seek motivation. Practicing self-appreciation helps us to monitor the success ratio that we have been able to achieve and also monitor accordingly our further plans.

Ways of self-appreciation
  • Look back and celebrate old accomplishments - A reflection on your past achievements give you an inner strength to deal with the difficulties in your life. It will help you explore novel ways of problem solving, thus making you motivated to take further steps.
  • Avoid second guessing yourself - One great way to respect and value oneself is to believe in your ability to make wise judgements. Our confidence suffers greatly when we are continually judging ourselves. Learning to trust yourself, regardless of the outcome, is one of the most powerful ways you can practice self-appreciation.
  • Start adding value to your life - Being granted an opportunity at life is indeed a blessing. Even if we go through hardships and struggle, life is still a wonderful blessing. So celebrate every bit of it by building a positive perspective.
  • Practice the mirror technique – Stand in front of a mirror and practice positive affirmations about yourself. Some examples of the spells you can use are “I am enough”, “I can do it”, “If I try, I will succeed”, “I am confident about myself”.
  • Gratitude journaling - Let's be thankful for the numerous blessings we have inside as well as the many small and significant things in life that are outside of us.
    • What do you like most about yourself?
    • What are your strengths?
    • In what aspect you are the most confident ?
    These are some of the prompts you can use for gratitude jornaling.
  • Accept yourself the way you are – As we all know, no one is entirely perfect or flawed. We all have certain imperfections in us which might require us to work on. People can only develop themselves if they are conscious of what needs improvement, accept that it is a part of them, and then put effort into doing so. It is advised not to disqualify the strengths in you and also create a room for improvements simultaneously. Self-appreciation is thus one the most vital aspects which works significantly in boosting ourselves and our motivation to face difficult situations in life. It is often said that, first one needs to admire their own-self, abilities and accept their flaws before they can address others. Practicing self-appreciation will not only improve one’s faith on themselves but also help them to deal with a wide range of stress in their environment.